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The main spirit of

Hardzazat Hardcore Fest:

In a time ruled by a globalized economy supported by the political regimes of the states, the festival tries as a result of strong opposition against the current regimes to create a free-living space where people can exchange various experiences about autonomy, aiming to free people form the dominance of the state, the market global economy and all the traditional power games.

Hardzazat Hardcore Fest adopt decolonial concepts, as it’s a festival by and for non-white people under systemic racism. Itan occasion to regroup people from southern countries, talk about racism issues, organize local helps and frequent events. The decolonial issues are part of a more general political engagement of the fest, treating problems like racism, sexism, homophobia, in order to build an autonomous mouvement of revolted and revolutionaries.

Hardzazat Hardcore DIY is a decolonial movement, criticizing the racism and white previlege in what’s suppose to be “Hardcore DIY” spaces. A reason for why we have created a safe space for people of color, where the violence they’re victim of due to the supremacy of the northern culture over countries of the south is not tolerated. It’s a space where diversity is celebrated, not neo-liberalism,where we can get back our culture far from exotic fantasies. A space of political engagement, material solidarity believing that all the issues are equally important and creativity where we experience the paradigms of utopia.

Hardcore in a post-colonial environment:

The decolonial movements were meant to resist the domination of colonial states on ex-colonies. As a matter of fact, even if those countries have their independence, they’re still living under different forms of oppression, represented on the natural resources’ exploitation, a globalization based on occidental culture and the right of circulation around the globe. Those privileges are not only about political representation in the international scene, it’s also related to art and culture where the predominance of the occidental societies is way more extended. Knowing that countries of the north are wealthy, prosper and stable due to natural resources exploitation of ex-colonies and the hierarchy making always southern population as second-degree people. In France as an example the assimilation of none-white people is hard to imagine, the way the immigrants of different generations are living in very hard social conditions.We can then say that the colonialism didn’t stop, it just took other forms.

When we identify practices or culture as “normal”, we are including that the others are “deviant”. Where people are not conforming to the norms, they undergo through social violence forcing them to let down the “deviance” and Join “norm”. Otherwise deviant people get exclude, marginalized and sometimes diabolized by the regime.

Hardazat Hardcore Fest attempts to understand, how are the “norms” the “deviance” constructed and how they’re used. In order to fight inequalities related to fascist ideologies and colonial domination.

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